Xu Jia

/Patent Agent
Professional fields
Patent search analysis, patent analysis, anti-infringement search, research projects
Technical fields
Electronic Field
Mr. Jia is a patent agent who graduated from Anhui Jianzhu University with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronic Information Engineering. He has a solid foundation in professional theory. Since joining Kangxin in 2013, he has been engaged in various types of patent search and analysis services, accumulating rich experience in patent search and analysis. He has also participated in client training sessions outside the office, receiving recognition and praise from clients. Throughout his career, he has directly handled numerous patent analysis projects organized by various Intellectual Property Offices. The types of projects he has managed include overseas early warning, analysis and evaluation, patent navigation, micro-navigation, and patent strategy advancement projects. He has been involved in the entire process of project application, implementation, and final reporting, maintaining effective communication with enterprises throughout the project to meet their needs and ensure quality. The projects he completed were recognized by the organizing entities. He has provided search and analysis services for clients in Japan, Europe, and America, adapting to the project needs of different countries and clients with his extensive practical experience. Mr. Jia has provided patent search and analysis training for large domestic and international enterprises or groups. Additionally, he has participated in the "Intellectual Property Thousands of Miles" campaign organized by the State Intellectual Property Office as a consulting expert, offering guidance in patent search and analysis to several local enterprises.
Education and experience
  • 2013 Graduated from Anhui Jianzhu University with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronic Information Engineering.
  • 2013 Joined Kangxin Partners P.C.
  • 2017 Obtained PMP (Project Management Professional) certification from the Project Management Institute in the United States.
Honors and awards
Published articles
  • "Analysis of Protection for Graphical User Interface Design from the Amendments of the Patent Examination Guidelines," China Intellectual Property Magazine, September 2020.

  • "A Brief Discussion on the Business Development of Patent Information Analysis Projects," China Intellectual Property Magazine, March 2014.

  • "Global Patent Layout Analysis of the Disruptor TESLA," Patent Agent Magazine, February 2014.
