Xi Urges to Effectively Implement Innovation Strategy
date: 2013-07-30

China should adhere to the experience of domestic technological development and actively address the new challenges raised by social and economic development by deepening institutional reform and propelling technical innovation, so as to truly fulfill the commitments of the innovation strategy, said President Xi Jinping during his visit to the China Academy of Science (CAS).

Boosting technological development requires a global view. Given the revolutionary breakthroughs sparkled in some significant scientific and technological fields in the world, China must be prepared to catch up with this edge-cutting trend and promote domestic development, which could be achieved by removing institutional barriers, promoting technology commercialization, and optimizing policies on administration and performance evaluation in technological industries.

Transformation of economic growth mode needs to be propelled, so as to help unblock the bottleneck of China's sustainable development; meanwhile, the country should develop a healthy environment that respect innovation and tolerate failures, said Xi.

The president emphasized the necessity for China to introduce globally advanced technologies and explore a new approach of development, urging scientists and researchers to be confident in innovation and aim high in the pursuit of new discoveries.

He also encouraged the CAS to make leapfrog progress in technological innovation and develop into a national leading science and technology think tank in the future.

[Chinese version is available on SIPO.gov.cn]

Source:IPR in China


