Hongyan Wang

/Patent Agent
Professional fields
Patent Drafting, Prosecution, Patent Reexamination, Invalidation, Administrative Litigation
Technical fields
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Semiconductor Fabrication, Physics
Ms. Wang obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical science and technology from Hubei University in 2004, and her Master of Science degree in Physics from China Geosciences University in 2007. Ms. Wang joined Kangxin in 2008. She is practicing the aspects of Drafting and OA Response, and .obtains rich experiences of serving as a patent agent.
Education and experience
  • 2008 Joined Kangxin Partners, P.C.
  • 2007 obtained Master of Science degree in Physics from China Geosciences University
  • 2004 obtained Bachelor of Science degree in Electric science and technology from Hubei University
Honors and awards
Published articles
  • "Description on correspondence of claims in a PPH request", China Intellectual Property News , Nov 2019.

  • "Analysis on the difference between PCT PPH request and regular PPH request", China Intellectual Property News ,  October 2020.

  • "Analysis on problems and countermeasures encountered by text modification after patent authorization", IP ECONGOMY Magazine , 2022 .

  • "Some thoughts induced from the response to the unity rejection", Patent Agency , Nov 2022.
