Domestic patent department “If you are a client” speech contest
date: 2017-12-21

From January 20th to 21st, 2015, Kangxin’s domestic patent department held a speech contest entitled “If you are a client”. This contest aimed to improve customer service experience by placing participating patent attorneys in the client’s place, allowing them to see their services from a client’s perspective.

Speakers focused on customer service processes, improving the quality of written documents, selecting attorneys, and evaluating law firm’s performance. Using scenarios, Q&A sessions, and case studies, the attendees were better able to understand the qualities of good customer service.

Through WeChat votes, winners of three categories were chosen – Group Excellence Award, Personal Excellence Award, and the Popularity Award. All of the speakers did a commendable job and gave everyone a chance to become more aware of customer service best practice, which will no doubt be useful in the future.  

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